Building Communities


We offer bespoke programmes to encourage clients to tap into the dynamism of contemporary art and artistic thinking. We design activities in response to a range of corporate needs - from hospitality, team-building and bonding, to professional development and public and community relations.

Partnering with artists can address challenges and make positive change. An artist’s mind and a creative question can help us find our way to a healthy and just future. Artists can illuminate truth, offer transcendent experiences, challenge us to feel, connect us to humanity and enable us to engage with communities.

We actively engage communities by designing unique interactive staff engagement programmes and events; encompassing art, music and performance - a thought-provoking, inspiring and entertaining way to improve team work, communication and listening skills and building confidence, creativity and relationships.

Art, heritage and theatre are fundamental to the essence of Bankside and MERGE blended these perfectly, providing locals and visitors with the opportunity to creatively engage in spaces as never before
— Donald Hyslop, Head of Regeneration and Community Partnerships at Tate Modern and Chair of Better Bankside.